Lesson 5: Creating great videos
Step 1: Watch the video
Step 2: Complete the following exercise (use no more than 20 minutes)
Please describe two different target groups.
For the first target group, please describe a “how to video” teaching the audience something they need to know about.
For the second target group, please describe a video (in a format of your own choice) that you think this specific audience would appreciate.
Please include some thought about using video with your specific target group. Do they watch a lot of online video already and what can you learn (if anything) from some popular content that your target audience is already engaged with? Is video a good content format for your users and for you?
Please complete the exercise in this Powerpoint template. Use the same template for all four exercises and send them as a single email.
Step 3: Send the assignment in an email
When you are done with exercise 5 - 8, please send the Powerpoint document to petersvarre@gmail.com and make sure to include the tag "#goodcontent" in the subject line.